Bylaws Art. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

    A. Religious Education Committee
    1. The Religious Education Committee shall consist of the Chairperson and any interested active church
    2. The chairperson of the Religious Education Committee shall represent the group on the Board of Trustees for
    his/her term of office.

    3. The Religious Education Committee shall have the general supervision and control of the Church School, the
    curriculum and activities thereof, and all other religious education activities and enterprises, subject to the
    direction and control of the Board of Trustees and the congregation.
    4. The Religious Education Committee shall have overall supervisory responsibility for the Religious Education
    Director (See Article XII). The committee shall recruit, interview and make recommendations to the Board of
    Trustees for the filling of that position.

    B. Building and Grounds Committee
    1. The Building and Grounds Committee shall consist of the Chairperson and any interested active church

    2. The chairperson of the Building and Grounds Committee shall represent the group on the Board of Trustees
    for his/her term of office.
    3. The Building and Grounds Committee shall have the general supervision and control of the Church premises
    and shall be provided such funds as may be appropriated in the annual budget. Said funds shall be disbursed
    for the maintenance and improvement of said Church premises, subject to the direction and control of the
    Board of Trustees and the congregation.
    4. The Building and Grounds Committee shall have overall supervisory responsibility for the Caretaker. The
    committee shall recruit, interview and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for the filling of that
    C. Membership Committee
    1. The Membership Committee shall consist of the Chairperson and any interested active church members.
    2. The chairperson of the Membership Committee shall represent the group on the Board of Trustees for his/her
    term of office.
    3. The Membership Committee shall be responsible for developing programs to keep in touch with and respond
    to the needs of the existing membership, to attract and welcome potential new members, and to help those
    who join to become involved in the life of the Church.
    4. The Membership Committee shall keep an accurate record of the Church Membership and shall submit such
    information to the Clerk annually and as otherwise required for congregational purposes.

    D. Personnel Committee
    1. The Personnel Committee shall consist of three members: the Chairperson; the Vice President of the
    congregation; and one member of the congregation, appointed by the President with the approval of the
    Board of Trustees. The term of office for the committee members other than the Vice President shall be three
    2. The Personnel Committee shall develop and revise as necessary, in consultation with the appropriate
    supervisory committee, shall recommend to the Board of Trustees, and shall maintain on file:
    a. The job description for each employee of the congregation;
    b. Procedures for the hiring of all employees of the congregation;
    c. Procedures for the evaluation of all employees of the congregation; and
    c. Procedures for the consideration and resolution of disputes among employees of the congregation and
    disputes between employees of the congregation and the committee responsible for the supervision or
    evaluation of each such employee.

    E. Nominating Committee
    1. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Chairperson and any interested active members.
    2. Duties.
    a. The Nominating Committee shall present to the annual meeting a slate of nominees for the following
    positions: officers of the Church and lay members of the Board of Trustees.
    b. The proposed slate of the Nominating Committee shall be mailed to the membership at least two
    weeks before the election, for their consideration.
    c. Other nominations, except for the Committee on the Ministry, may be made by any Active Member
    and must be accompanied by a written statement signed by the person whose name is to be
    considered. This statement shall indicate that he or she has read in the Job Description Book the
    duties of the office for which he or she is being considered and agrees to accept the responsibilities
    described therein if elected.
    d. The Nominating Committee shall have as its responsibility the compilation and circulation of a Job
    Description Book to nominees. This Book shall be available at all times through the officers of the
    Church and members of the Board of Trustees.

    F. Finance Committee
    1. The Finance Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Collector, Canvass
    Chairperson and Endowment Chair.

    G. Committee on the Ministry
    1. The Committee on the Ministry shall consist of the Chairperson and any interested active church members.
    The chairperson shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Trustees from a list
    supplied by the Nominating Committee by the time of the annual meeting.
    2. The purpose of the Committee on the Ministry is to strengthen the quality of ministry within the
    congregation. It will serve as a support group for the Minister, and will facilitate communication between
    Minister and Congregation. The essential functions of the Committee on the Ministry are as follows:
    a. To aid the Minister in carrying on an effective Ministry by being available for counsel.
    b. To be available to Members of the Congregation on an ongoing basis for ideas and suggestions
    regarding the Minister’s performance of his/her duties, and to keep the Minister advised as to the
    nature of this feedback, with the main thrust of this being to strengthen and improve relationships
    between Minister and the Membership.
    c. To interpret to the Congregation the nature and scope of the work of the Minister.
    d. To consult with the Minister and submit an annual compensation recommendation to the Finance
    Committee prior to its drawing up of a proposed budget for the next Fiscal Year.
    e. To work with the Minister on his/her continuing education program, sabbatical planning, or other
    professional development and to advocate such plans to the Executive Committee and congregation.
    f. To plan and carry out, on a periodic basis, a program for Congregational evaluation of the Minister.
    Such evaluations will be made at intervals of at least every three years, or at any time by request of
    the Executive Committee or the Congregation. Evaluation shall be accomplished by procedures
    established by the Committee on the Ministry, in consultation with the Minister, and as approved by
    the Executive Committee. The results of the Ministerial evaluation shall be compiled by the
    Committee on the Ministry and made available in writing to the membership.

    H. Endowment Committee

    1. The Endowment Committee shall consist of the Chairperson and any interested active church members.
    Except in the initial appointment, when shortened terms will enable a staggered rotation of members, the
    term of each Committee member will be three years. Any member of the Board of Trustees who is also a
    member of the Endowment Committee may not vote, as a member of the Board of Trustees, on any matter
    regarding disbursal of Endowment funds. No member will serve for more than two consecutive terms, except
    for those with initial one or two year terms.
    2. The Endowment Committee shall serve as the custodian of the Endowment Investment and Distribution
    Policy (see Article XIII). The Endowment Committee shall be responsible for making recommendations to
    the Board of Trustees for uses of endowments.
    3. Vacancies in the Endowment Committee shall be filled by the Endowment Committee Chairperson subject to
    the approval of the Board of Trustees. Persons so appointed shall serve until the next annual meeting.

    I. Library and Archives Committee
    1. The Library and Archives Committee shall consist of the Chairperson and any interested active member.
    2. The Library and Archives Committee shall:
    a. Develop and maintain library materials relating to the spiritual, religious and historical foundations, as well as
    on-going practices, of Unitarianism, and Universalism, and Unitarian Universalism, provided that the library
    may also include materials that are aligned with Unitarian Universalist principles in the discussion of other
    religious traditions and of affiliated perspectives; and
    b. Organize and maintain the archives of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Pittsfield which document the
    history and activities of the church. These shall include, but not be limited to, official records of membership,
    dedications, marriages, funerals and deaths, and minutes of all congregational meetings.

    A. A Director of Religious Education may at any time be appointed as provided in Section A.2.h. of Article X of these
    By-Laws. A vote of the majority of the Church members present and voting at a legal congregational meeting shall be
    required for his or her dismissal prior to the normal expiration of his or her term.
    B. The Director shall be ex-officio member of the Religious Education Committee but shall be entitled to vote at
    committee meetings only in the event of a tie.
    C. The Director shall present an annual report in writing containing a general statement of the condition of the Church
    school and other religious education activities and enterprises, at the annual meeting.
    D. The Director shall be the general administrator of all the religious education activities and enterprises of the Church,
    and shall carry out the directives and policies laid down by the Religious Education Committee. Final authority in
    matters of policy shall rest with said Committee.
    E. The Director must have an understanding of Unitarian Universalist religious and educational philosophy, and shall be
    familiar with our Church school and its specific aims.
    F. The Director shall oversee the establishment of the Church school curriculum and of worship services for the children;
    shall organize a training program for teachers; shall supervise parent contacts and classes; shall coordinate the
    religious education efforts of the Church for children and adults; and shall advise the Religious Education Committee
    on matters of religious and educational theory.
    G. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Director of Religious Education, the duties of said office shall be
    performed by the Religious Education Committee.

    1. The Church shall have a separate Endowment to assure the long range financial future of the church, to help the
    church manage and survive financial emergencies, and to fund capital needs and special projects that further the

    mission of the Church. Therefore, and Endowment Fund, to be called the UU Pittsfield Endowment Fund, shall be
    2. The Endowment shall be governed by an Endowment Committee as established in Article XI, H, which must comply
    with the Endowment Investment and Distribution Policy as passed by a two-thirds vote of the members of the
    congregation present at a general meeting. This policy shall provide for the protection of the corpus of the Endowment
    over the long term and shall require the Committee to exercise the utmost of care to respect the integrity of restrictions
    placed on any gift to the Endowment.
    3. A unanimous vote of the members of the Endowment Committee is needed to carry any motion or resolution. All
    investment and distribution decisions must be recorded in writing. The Committee shall report to the Board of
    Trustees on a quarterly basis and provide a written report to the congregation at the annual meeting.
    4. Committee members shall not be liable for any losses incurred by the Endowment except to the extent that such losses
    arise out of acts or omissions of willful misconduct or gross negligence. Each member shall be liable for his/her own
    acts and omissions of willful misconduct or gross negligence and not for the act or omissions of other members. No
    member of the Committee shall engage in any self-dealing or transactions with the Endowment in which the member
    has direct or indirect financial interest. Members shall refrain at all times from conduct in which his/her personal
    interests would conflict with the interest of the Endowment.

    Amendments to these By-Laws may be made at any legal congregational meeting by a two-thirds vote of those members
    present and voting.
    Roberts Rules of Order is to be used in questions of procedure at congregational meetings, except that the only permissible
    limit on debate shall be a ruling by the Moderator of the meeting that the speaker is not addressing himself or herself to the
    point, or that he or she is reiterating previous statements made at the same meeting.