A. Executive Committee and Board of Trustees
1. The members of the Board of Trustees shall consist of the above-mentioned five officers, four lay members, and the Chairpersons of all active Standing Committees.
2. Powers and Duties
- Six members of the Board of Trustees, including at least two officers of the Executive Committee, one of which shall be either the President or Vice President, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of committee business.
- In matters requiring a vote, each Board member attending a Board meeting shall have one vote. There will be no provision for proxy votes. However, Board members who are participating remotely, via Web or phone connections, will be considered to be in attendance, and will be accorded the right to vote.
- The Board of Trustees shall fill vacancies in offices and said Board itself. Vacancies in the Religious Education Committee, the Building and Grounds Committee, and the Membership Committee shall be filled by their respective committee chairpersons, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. Persons so appointed shall serve until the next annual meeting.
- The Board of Trustees shall have general charge and management of the affairs and property of the Church and conduct of its business affairs, subject to such direction and control as they shall receive by vote of the congregation. In the case of an emergency where an immediate decision or action is required, the five officers of the Executive Committee may act on behalf of the Board of Trustees. If the Executive Committee cannot be convened, the responsibility will fall to the President and/or Vice President.
- The Board of Trustees shall incur no expense and enter into no contract involving the Expenditure of more than 2.5% of the current year budget without a vote of the Church with reference to any matter other than heat, emergency repairs or utilities of any nature.
- They shall meet at least once a month, except during July and August, at the call of the President. Board meetings are open to all active church members, unless the Board needs to move into Executive Session to discuss personnel issues or concerns of a sensitive nature. Church members choosing to attend Board meetings are to attend as observers unless asked to participate.
- The Board of Trustees may at any time create such special committees as deemed necessary or expedient and shall appoint chairpersons thereof. The chairperson of any such special committee may appoint as many associate members as he or she deems desirable.
- The Board of Trustees may at any time, upon the recommendation of the Religious Education Committee, appoint a Director of Religious Education.
- Any member of the Board of Trustees who without adequate reason is absent for three consecutive meetings of said Board shall be considered to have resigned and his or her office vacated. Such individual shall be so notified.
2. Standing Committees
- Standing Committees will be created by the Board of Trustees as current needs dictate. Suggested committees include: Religious Education, Building and Grounds, Membership, Personnel, Sunday Services and Music, Social Responsibility, Sharing and Caring, Canvass, Fundraising, Building Use, Nominating, Coffee Hour, Social Functions, Finance, Denominational Affairs, Endowment, Library and Archives, and the Committee on the Ministry. Each committee shall consist of a Chairperson appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Trustees, and, unless specified, as many associate members as said chairperson shall appoint.
- The Chairperson of every Standing Committee shall submit in writing an annual report of the activities and recommendations of his or her committee for each annual meeting of the Church.