Bylaws Art. 7 – Minister

A. Selection
The Minister shall be chosen by vote of two-thirds of the Active Members of the Church present at a congregational meeting, and his or her salary and allowances determined by a majority of said members present at such meeting.

B. Dismissal
The Minister may be dismissed at any time by vote of two-thirds of the Active Members of the Church present at a congregational meeting. In such event, his or her salary and allowances shall be continued for three months after the date of said vote.

The Minister shall give three months’ notice in writing to the Board of Trustees of his or her resignation.

D. Duties

1. The minister shall perform those duties specified in the minister’s contract.

2. It shall be the duty of the Minister to bring to the attention of the Board of Trustees any matters which seem pertinent to the general interest of the Church, and to make such recommendations as to him or her seem proper. But the final decision in matters of policy and procedure shall remain with the Board of Trustees, subject to the vote of a legal congregational meeting.

3. The Minister shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Executive Committee and shall serve in an advisory capacity at all Board meetings.

4. The Minister shall present an annual report in writing at the Annual Meeting, containing a general statement of the condition of the Church, together with such suggestions and recommendations as he or she may deem appropriate.